Summer 2010

INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 General News 2 Feeding Layer Pullets 3 Fibre in Broiler Diets 4 Amino Acid Level in Layer Diets 6 Feeding Growing Pigs Welcome to the first edition of the SPESFEED News for 2010, a year that promises to be interesting for South Africa. The hoards...

Winter 2009

INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 General News 4 The Impact of Feed Restriction in Broilers 5 Stocking Density and Pig Performance. As I write this, I cannot help but feel that the worst has passed for animal agriculture. Ingredient prices have softened and demand for our products...

Summer 2009

INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 General News 3 Fibre in Layer Diets 4 Nutritional Issues Facing The Swine Industry. 5 IPE – Atlanta This newsletter marks the 20th anniversary of SPESFEED as an entity. I can assure you that no one is more surprised by this event than Walter and I....

Spring 2008

INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 General News 3 World‟s Poultry Congress 5 Practical Ideas to Address high Feed and Production Costs. At this time last year, I wrote, “the demand for animal feed has nearly exceeded our capacity to manufacture and deliver it”. A boom in animal...

Winter 2008

INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 General News 2 Organic Broiler Production 3 Distiller‟s Grains 4 Feeding Strategies for Difficult Times 6 Worldwide Phosphorus Shortage 7 Can Computers Feed your Animals? As we enter what is the most difficult season for animal production, protein...