Spring 2016
Tough economic times have led to a changing agribusiness landscape. Some companies are officially in financial distress, and while some consolidation has already occurred, this is a trend that is likely to continue. Of interest is the fact that Nutreco has entered the...Winter 2016
2016 is proving to be as difficult a year as was expected. Despite the fact that global prices of grain and soya beans is moderate, supply problems and a weak currency have meant we have not seen this in South Africa. Interestingly, SAPA predict that the egg price is...Summer 2016
2015 was a busy year for me, and resulted in my missing the deadline for the third newsletter of the year. I visited 35 countries (if you include the Western Cape that is) last year, and was involved in feeding poultry from the Sahara desert where the temperature...Winter 2015
General News 2015 has been the busiest year that SPESFEED has ever had – so much so that producing a newsletter proved to be very difficult. In addition, the growth of our subsidiary company, Avi-Products has been excellent, with the products we manufacture for...Summer 2015
General News The year has begun with a dramatic decrease in the oil price. Globally, the prices of oil and grain have become linked – which can only be good for animal agriculture. Sadly though, US fuel makers have to include a fixed percentage of ethanol in...Spring 2014
General News Our industry has gone through a tough couple of years. Feed prices have been high and there have been reductions in the number of broilers produced and the size of the national laying flock (SAPA, 2104). Demand for feed has declined, while new milling...Winter 2014
General News I keep vowing not to travel as much as I have been but this just does not seem to happen. Although tiring, seeing new things and learning about new systems is very stimulating. In May, I attended an event run by DSM on the use of exogenous protease in pig...Summer 2014
INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 General News 1 Courses and Publications 2 Some Impressions of India 2 Australian Poultry Science Symposium 3 Early chicken nutrition 3 Feed ingredient quality 5 Gut health and poultry production 6 Leg Health This year marks the 25th year of...